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SIR 2024 Rouleur Series

Welcome to 2024, SIR members! As in years past the randonneuring pre-season kicks off with the Rouleur series.

The SIR 2024 Winter Rouleur Series comprises: To complete the Rouler Series you must finish each of these events plus a Dart Populaire. The current options on the calendar are: It’s as good of an excuse we could come up with to ride bikes in the cold and wet of winter around here.

There are gaps in January (20th) and February (3rd, 17th). If we have to postpone an event due to inclement weather, we may reschedule it there.

Summer and/or Autumn Rouleur Events

We can add more events with enough member interest and volunteer support. Perhaps some gravel...

See the SIR Event Calendar for the current list of events.

RUSA Rouleur Award

Of course, completing the Rouleur series qualifies for the RUSA Rouleur Award. For more information: