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FAQ for rides postponed in response to COVID-19


What if I have already registered? Will I get a refund?


Yes, if you have already registered and paid for a ride, you can request to cancel your registration and get a refund, or a credit toward a future ride. We will be following up with all registered riders directly.


But what about my R-12? And my P-12?


Unfortunately, this postponement of rides you are relying on for an R-12 or a P-12 could mean a lapse in your series.  The RUSA Permanents program is active ( and you can complete these routes for your R-12 and P-12 series.


Can we continue to hold other, shorter events that are not part of the series and need fewer volunteers?


No. SIR will not be hosting additional rides at this time. 


I need these rides to qualify for a grand randonnée later this year; how does this affect that?


Please consult with the organizers of your target event as these requirements vary.