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HomeBrevetsRouleur 100-124 km Populaire

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Rouleur 100-124 km Populaire

About this event

Registration has closed for this event. We cannot accommodate same-day registration at this time.


Come ride with us to find out what randonneuring is about. We'll start the 2022 SIR Winter season with our Rouleur (pronounced "ruler") 100 KM populaire. Read more about the SIR Rouleur Series here.

Route Description
RUSA Brevet #1438 Southern Exposure, an update of the Southern Exposure brevet route from 2013.

Southern Exposure features low elevation (below 300 meters/1000 feet), paved trails 27.8 km/17.3 miles), compact cinder/gravel trails (7.8 km/4.8 miles), and rural roads against a scenic backdrop of the Cascade foothills.

From Renton, it's a flat start heading down the Interurban Trail for about 15 km. Upon reaching the Green River, a gentle river grade incline with a few rollers continues for about 25 km. At about 40 km into the ride, the first climb of about 200m takes you up SE Green Valley Road into Black Diamond. Before reaching Black Diamond, there's an optional detour left noted in the cues on Jones Lake Road to Black Diamond Bakery & Deli. If Gas Station convenience is your thing, there's one of those in Black Diamond on-route for you too. From Black Diamond, there's another good climb up Lawson Street. A descent down SE Green River Gorge Road crosses a single-lane bridge high above the Green River. Another climb out of the gorge leads to Cumberland. From Cumberland you'll pass by Kanaskat-Palmer State Park on the left. The peak of the ride will be at Kangley, about 290m in elevation. From here it is downhill to Ravensdale. One more 30m climb up Landsburg Road SE before heading west on Cedar River Trail (gravel). Near Maple Valley, the trail becomes paved. A gentle river grade descent on the trail follows back to the finish in Renton.

Route and Cuesheet: [FINAL]

Note: Printed cuesheets will not be available at the start. You may choose to print your own. To print the cuesheet from the route page, click the More button, then select Print Cuesheet.

Parking We have a large number of riders registered for this ride. Please do not park close to the front of Fred Meyer taking up spaces that are more convenient for customers. There are over 60 spaces on the far north end of the parking lot available for customers. There are also two nearby Park & Ride lots (351 Hardie Ave SW, Renton, WA 98057 and 205 S 7th St, Renton, WA 98057). As a general recommendation, avoid storing things of value in your car, certainly not visible.

Food: In the spirit of self-supported randonnepuring and keeping ride fees to a minimum, food and drinks will not be provided by the club for the Winter Rouleur Series. Bring your own beverages, grab a cup of coffee at the Starbucks, buy the sports drink you forgot to pack at the Fred Meyer. Food & services are noted on the route as well.

Date and Time

Saturday, January 15, 2022, 8:00 AM


Starbucks (outside Fred Meyer)
365 Renton Center Way SW
Renton, WA  98057

Event Contact(s)

Rose Cox

Mitch Ishihara


2022 Brevet Schedule

Registration Info

Registration is required
Payment In Full In Advance Only
For all SIR events you must have front and rear lights, a reflective vest, and reflective ankle bands. Be prepared to show these to the ride organizer at the start. Your lights should be on during any low-light conditions (rain storms, night, tunnels).

You must read and agree to a waiver before beginning the ride, and you must turn in your signed brevet card at the end of the ride. If you will not finish, contact the organizer using the phone number on the control card.