Welcome to Seattle International Randonneurs (SIR), the bicyclist's resource for information about randonneuring in the greater Seattle area and Washington state.
Message from the RBA
Event Calendar - The scheduled rides in our event calendar are correct. Individual ride details -- including descriptions, route links, and registration info -- will be updated as this information becomes available from ride organizers.
Food – In general food will not be available at controls. In instances where it may be difficult to obtain food or water we will make pre-packaged food available.
Overnight Accommodations - Riders are responsible for making their own overnight accommodations for 600K and possibly other overnight rides. Fees for these rides will be adjusted accordingly.
Insurance Waiver -
SIR Kit - Hi Viz orange jerseys (plus shorts and accessories), Hi Viz orange reflective vests, and Hi Viz pink reflective vests are now available for purchase through Voler.
The order window closes on March 9th, with items expecting to ship around April 17th. Place your orders
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About Randonneuring
Randonneuring is self-supported long-distance cycling. It's a great sport for those who love to ride their bikes, explore new roads, and discover what is over the next hill. Our rides are scenic and challenging. Perhaps most enjoyable is the camaraderie among randonneurs. Randonneuring is not a race, but the time limits makes it challenging nonetheless.
Randonneuring celebrates self-sufficiency. On a brevet or a permanent, you are on your own ride. The self-sufficiency of randonneuring means that you are responsible for your own pace, your own nutrition, your own repairs, and, above all, your own safety. Although other riders, or the organizers, may offer assistance, the ultimate responsibility lies with you.
Randonneuring is a big tent where every rider finds their challenge. Some aspire to finish within the time limit, others try to set a personal best, and yet others want to go as fast as possible. Some concentrate on the longest distances (1000 km and beyond), others do the day rides (100, 200 and 300 km). All are randonneurs. At Seattle International Randonneurs, each rider is respected. We are all out to have fun!
Randonneuring rides (called populaires or brevets) vary in length between 100 km (62 miles) and 1200 km (750 miles). Riders are given a route sheet and a control card, which they have signed at predetermined points to show that they have completed the course.
Check our calendar for upcoming populaires and brevets and come join us on a ride!
Volunteers Needed
Seattle Randonneurs is a volunteer-run organization and
we need you to make these rides happen.
Volunteer opportunities include brevet organization (coordinating a ride), on-course assistance (such as helping at sign-in, staffed controls or the finish), and a whole lot of help on the back end.
Ready to help out? Please reach out to the primary event contact on any ride you'd like to support or send an email to
